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Technical Officials (TO) are integral to the management and coordination of hockey. The role of a TO can vary all the way from being a judge for a game through to a tournament director. Regardless of the role, TOs are vital to hockey's functioning.

Hockey Victoria is proud to partner with Hockey Australia in the delivery of the National Accreditation Scheme, HockeyEd. HockeyEd provides thorough education for Technical Officials through a series of workshops and practical experiences.

Begin Your Technical Offical Journey with TO Education!

Beginning your TO journey is comprised of 2 components:

1. Contact your local Club Umpire Coordinator and enquire about opportunities to get involved with local competitions as a Technical Official. Technical Officials primarily opperate at the Premier League, JSC and state level. If you are not sure of who/where your local club is, you can find one here.

2. Complete Hockey Australia's Technical Official Education. Read through the tabs below to see what education programs are on offer.

The Foundation Support Judge is the first accreditation in the Technical Officiating (TO) framework and is aimed at providing prospective TOs with an introduction to the fundamentals of the role of the Judge.

This FREE accreditation is completed entirely online and can be done in the comfort of your own home. It will take approximately 90 minutes to complete, and you receive your certificate at the end!

To enrol in this accreditation, follow the step-by-step guide here.

To download a copy of the Learning Outcomes & Practical Competency List, click here.

Participants are able to renew their accreditation as a part of the learning process.

Below outlines the accreditation window and corresponding renewal requirements.

Year 1 – Accreditation complete.

Year 2 – Apply Learning from accreditation.

Year 3 – Participants are required to renew before the expiry of their accreditation.

Year 4 – Participants can no longer renew their accreditation; they must re-sit the accreditation or apply for an RCC.

To apply for an accreditation renewal follow this link:

Accreditation Renewals will incur a cost of $50.00 AUD and can be purchased here:

Hockey Australia recognises the prior learning of members of the community.

Prospective learners can apply for a RCC for Development Level Education and above. RCC cannot be requested for Foundation Level Education.

Learners will be required to submit a resume of relevant experience, supporting education certifications and references for their experience.

To apply for an RCC please apply here:

Requestees will also be required to make a payment of $50.00 AUD as a part of the process, payments can be made here: